Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Warrior Sketch

When I was working on some sketches I came up with this Warrior.
This warriors helmet has been in many a fight.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cartoon Cat Big old smile for a Reason

A warm up cartoon sketch I worked on, as you can see this big ol
Tiger Striped Cat is smiling for a reason, hopefully this bird can
make a quick move.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sleeping Man Cartoon

Working on some sketches and doodles I came up with this
for not any one reason.  Simply just worked at the moment.
A cartoon man falling asleep.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

World of Laughing Cartoons

This is another laughing cartoon face I sketched.  Add it
to the collection of cartoon faces I have doodled and drawn.

If you Like this post Check out this
Laughing Cartoon Face

Friday, February 22, 2013

Zombie Face #4

I better start numbering the posts because I have a good
deal of random zombie sketches and cartoon like
faces I have done.  This one has his mouth sewn

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Mad Scientist Cartoon face

Random sketches sometimes bring about things that just 
run through ones head at the moment.  This funny looking
cartoon face almost has hair like a famous clown!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cartoon Random Funny #2

The mass sketches and doodles I have done many are random
faces.  This one is one of those random funny cartoon faces.
Call em Bill.

Zombie Comic panel

A Panel from a zombie comic the 90's era I was working on.  Pencils
on this one, only.

Basically this panel was after the main character took a beat'n from a pack
of zombies.  Luckily the flesh eaters left him for dead instead of feasting.

Laying in the muck and mud!

If you like Zombie, zombie art or comics check out
Zombie Comic Book Art

Monday, February 18, 2013


This sketch was done awhile ago for a Zazzle shop I run.

Called it ...."For the days your feeling a little crazy."
I suppose this sketch could have many different tag lines
put to it....

..."I Need COFFEE"

"Dont Make Me Angry"

"I am Really Pis**ed off"

"I need Sleep"

"This is my good Mood"

Can think of a bunch more,  but you get the idea.

Here is the link to

Saturday, February 16, 2013


A Single panel cartoon done because every time I
go to the grocery store, things go up.  Not down in price.

For right now some of the prices may be a bit exaggerated
but who know for how long.

Certainly makes a point though.

Could fall into the political cartoon class, but I would like to
say more about real life!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Boy Cartoon Face

This boy might be sad because he has to wear this
floppy o'l bow tie.  A warm up sketch I was working on.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Freedom from a Kingdom Comic

This is a fictional story of a slave to a royal kingdom that was sick
of being a slave.  Wanted his freedom and revenge was taken on the
kingdom.  This is a portion of a panel that was drawn for the story.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Laughing Cartoon Face

In the world of comics and cartoons or even funny looking
doodles.  This laughing cartoon is one of my creations
that I did while in a good mood!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Cartoon Face or a Butcher

The local butcher at a local shop in your town perhaps.
Just felt in the mood to sketch around this cartoon face.

A Dog, A Cat, Not Sure Doodle

This doodle was done in minutes, not to sure if it's supposed to be
a cat or a dog.  Maybe even an unknown animal in the cartoon kingdom.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hot Rod Cartoon

A Super hot Rod Cartoon in Black and white.  Custom Flame job an all.

Zombie Comic Book Art

This Original Sketch was done back in the 90's for a zombie comic book
being worked on.  More of the clips, panels and images from the
comic will be posted in the future.